Saturday, November 13, 2010

Labels, Labels, and more Labels

To my devoted readers,
At last I have done it!! I have managed to find a way to create specific pages containing specific information within my blog, while still being able to comment and add future posts to this page. How? You ask, well first I must graciously thank the 'Help' bar sponsored by Blogger, for it is it that contributed the most to this discovery.

This photo was taken form:
In this post I will present to you the instructions on how to create these little pages, and how to get information inside of them. This is a two step pocess, and I hope it helps a lot.

1) Actually getting the 'Labels' gadget. As you have probably already guessed, I am not using the 'Pages' gadget, it serves for other purposes. Instead I am using the 'Labels' gadget. To acces the 'Labels' gadget first of all you must go to your blog and sign in. Once you've done that and you are on your blog, click on the text in the top right corner that says 'Design'. A new screen should appear that shows the layout of your blog, there should be boxes that say 'Add a gadget', click on whatever one you want. Now you should have a new screen with a list of gadgets on it. Scroll down for a while, I believe it's around the bottom. Now if you've found it click on it. A little box should appear, don't click on anything else (that's for later), just click 'Save'. If you have taken the time to go back and see the changes on your blog you have probably noticed that nothing has changed, well you are wrong my friend a lot has changed, I will demonstrate the changes in the next paragraph.

2) Posting with labels. Once again I would like you to return to your blog, and once again I would like you to look at the top right corner but this time click on 'New post', a screen should appear where it provides you a space to write a post. THIS POST WILL BE GOING ON THE INTERNET, AND CAN BE VIEWED BY ANYONE WHO WISHES TO, SO MAKE SURE YOU DON'T PROVIDE TOO MUCH PERSONAL INFORMATION!!! Now that we have that covered off we can continue. Type in your text that you wish for your readers to read, or go to your past posts and select the one you want to move to a different page on your blog.  If you have completed these steps correctly you should have a whole box filled with text, at the bottom right corner of this box there is a small white box that says 'Labels' beside it. Type in the title that will appear at the top of the page that you want this post to appear in. Once you've typed it in press 'Enter' and 'Save'. Now go back to your blog and look at the marvelous thing you have created

This photo was taken from:
Voila!!! You now have labels on your blog that can lead you to any different section you wish throughout your blog.

The one thing with labels is that all of your posts will stay on the main page that people will see once they type in your internet address. Though as you post more posts your blog will become very disorganized and for your readers it will be easier for them to read your several posts with the labels gadget.

I hope this helps all that wish to have their blog more organized!!

Your very organized blogger,
The Bloggy Ballerina


  1. Congratulations on figuring it out Emily!!! How long did it take you? I don't know if I'm going to add pages or labels to my blog, but if I choose to in the future, I'll be sure to come to your blog for these helpful instructions on how to. I think it was a very nice thing for you to do, taking time in your busy life to let all of your followers, and non-followers (if any do), know how to add pages or labels to their blog. For me and the rest of the World, thank you Emily!!!

  2. Your welcome Jade!!!!! (and the rest of the world)
    You know, as crazy as it sounds, it didn't take me too too long. Since the pages weren't working I clicked on the help button and typed in the phrase. 'I can't get more than one post on my page' immediately an answer came up telling me to use the labels gadget and not the pages one. It was smooth sailing from there on.

    I'm glad that this helped (or will help you)!! :)


  3. Hi Emily!

    First off, like Jade has previously said, Thank-you for this very helpful information!!! I will definitely use your instructions if I need to use labels!!! :)

    Secondly, Thank-you so very much for your lovely comment on my latest photo! And that was very kind of you to say that you were speechless!!! :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :)

  4. Thank you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    Sadly enough, it did not work on mine.
    Maybe you could help me sometime??

  5. Hello Emily!!! :)

    Thank-you so very much for your lovely comment!!! :)

  6. "well you are wrong my friend a lot has changed" ha ha
