Tuesday, November 2, 2010

You Must Read This...

This is a very quick and important post (a.k.a. you don't want to miss it). The results from my poll have come in, and ... 7 of 13 people that read my blog think that BALLET IS INDEED A SPORT!!!!!!!
That means only one thing, more than half of the viewers of this blog think that ballet is a sport!
Personally I think think that I should have put a third option on the poll, saying that ballet is an 'Athletic Art', for that is what I believe it is. It is said by many ballet teachers, that dancers are not only athletes, but artists as well, making it two times more difficult to master. Because unlike most sports you have to be able to perform ballet, you can't be so focused on making everything perfect, that your face goes as blank as a blank slate. No, what do you think the audience has come to see? 90% of the audience could not tell a good from a bad tendue, they have all come to see a story told without words, an art form that has a whole other compartment that they are unaware of, they have come to the ballet, not a ballet class, but the ballet.
If you are unfamiliar with the ballet, then think of a dramatic part in a movie, maybe a chase. The characters are not speaking, but you can tell by the looks in their faces what they are thinking. Their faces are showing you that they are worried, or determined, or scared, without words they are able to portray the emotion that they are feeling. Now imagine the whole movie being like that, where they simply do not speak at all but tell the story through their facial expressions, giving you, the audience the freedom to make up whatever thoughts you think they're thinking, it's a wonderful feeling, it's like reading s story with only pictures.
My challenge for you today is to click on the link attached to this post, and watch the YouTube video of the 'Bluebird Pas de Deux' from the 3rd act of The Sleeping Beauty, where Princess Florine and the Bluebird dance together. That is all I'm going to tell you, now after you've watched the video please leave a comment explaining what you think Princess Florine and the Bluebird are trying to say to each other. On the next post I will explain my thoughts on the Pas de Deux and the dancers dancing it, I will also talk about the history of the Pas de Deux itself. Well that's all for today, I can't wait to read your comments!

Yours Truly,
The Bloggy Ballerina

P.S. No I have not completely forgotten about Frederic Ashton, though I do not know when I will officially be posting about him. Stay tuned and I will let you know. Aswell the link to the video did not want to work so go to YouTube and type in Yulia Bolshakova - Princess Florine into the search bar, and the video should be the first one to show up.

Sorry for the inconvenience,
The Bloggy Ballerina

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